How to add a dbBee project to your Joomla website

To quote - "Joomla! is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla! the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.”

However, Joomla removes certain html tags because of security reasons, among them iframe and script, tags that are used to connect dbBee project with any existing web site.

Therefore, in order to connect your dbBee project with your Joomla! site you should use "shortcodes” idbbee or edbbee for embedding dbBee projects to your Joomla page or post as iframe or script element, and for that you need to install dbBee extensions for Joomla - either idbbee or edbbee (or both).

To install dbBee extension(s) go to your Joomla control panel and open "Extension manager” from "Extensions” menu:
Joomla Extension Manager

Type word dbbee in search box and click the search button as shown on picture below:
Click the search button

Select the extension you want to install:
Select the extension to install

Click the install button:
Click the install button

and confirm the action:
Confirm the action

If everything goes well you’ll get confirmation that plugin was installed successfully:Installing plugin was successful

If you want to install edbbee too (this example was for idbbee plugin) simple repeat these steps.

The next step would be to enable the plugin(s) you installed.

To do that open Plugin manager from Extensions menu:Plugin manager

dbBee plugins will be listed as disabled plugins of type "content”:
Plugin manager disabled

To enable dbBee plugins, simply check the checkboxes and click the Enable button (see picture below):
Click the Enable button

and status of dbBee Joomla plugins will change to enabled.

Now you have successfully installed and enabled dbBee Joomla plugin(s) and you are ready to add your existing dbBee project to your Joomla web site. If you do not have any dbBee projects, please visit our video tutorial gallery and our blog to learn more about creating dbBee projects.

To add your dbBee project into your Joomla web site, follow the instructions below:

Step 1 - Get the Code

1.    Log into your dbBee account.
2.    Select the project you want to add.
3.    Click on the "Get code” button.

4.    Scroll down and select and copy the text from the appropriate box in Joomla Plugins code:

Joomla Plugins code

Step 2 - Add the Code to Your Website

1.    Log into your Joomla control panel.
2.    Open the page where you want to add your dbBee project (either by selecting existing page/post or by creating the new one).
3.    Position your cursor on exact place where you want your dbBee project displayed, paste the code and click the Save button:

Paste the code and click the Save button

And that’s it.

Please note that both plugins (edbbee and idbbee) do the same thing – display selected dbBee project as a part of your Joomla web page. The only difference is that idbbee includes dbBee project inside an iframe element (separating it completely from the rest of your page) while edbbee includes it as a script element and dbBee project becomes an integral part of your page.