Attention Entrepreneurs: For-profit Data Publishing

Data is data and it is always valuable to someone out there. The key here is to determine if you already have a database or worksheet that other people might want or need to use. If you have a database of every restaurant business in the southeast or every car dealer business database in the western states, any database that might be of use to other companies or people should be published and published for a profit to the creator of it. Those databases would be good for some business to business startups, but there are other databases that would be of use to all kinds of projects. Entrepreneurs should take note here.

Ever compose a mailing database for marketing that took days, months, or years to build up and maintain? Why would you let that just sit around if you could be publishing or selling it? It is always a good idea to see any data that you have as an asset to yourself and your business. By getting the data publishing and into a format that others can view, search for, or share can be worth a lot more than you ever dreamed about. Mining through it to publish is the hard part of getting the workbook databases online and guides you seamlessly through the hardest part of the project.

There are a million and one possibilities out there, but chances are, if you have owned any kind of business out there, that you have some sort of viable and saleable data to share. You could be sitting on top of thousands or even millions in revenues by not publishing the data that you have for a profit. Imagine if you were sitting on a gold mine and not taking advantage of it. Start looking at your collective databases, worksheets, and workbooks like gold and it may open up your eyes to some lucrative web publishing opportunities.

If your database is stored in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access, you can already easily upload the database to the dbBee and we will guide you through creating the pages that will be searched, previewing, and updating within a few minutes. dbBee even embeds the project to make sure that you have easy access to the code. You can even copy and paste it.

Dealing with worksheets and databases by yourself can be time consuming and frustration can set in. dbBee takes all that frustration away. It is much less than hiring someone to do the exact same thing that a human database engineer could do. It works to make sure that you are publishing the data that you want from your Access or Excel formats to online published content that is searchable and usable to others.

Let dbBee Buzz your database and get it published!